Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stop. Observe. Re-focus.

After a long hiatus, I think it's time to get back in touch with my (admittedly fledgling) photographer's eye. It's been a thought for some time now, but I've noticed that the way that I look at the world has changed. The most recent realization of this was on a mini-photo expedition.

I once saw in frames. Now I don't. It's sad. Where before, I would look at the world for the potential it held (holds? I feel this should this be present tense), I now find myself taking things for what is before me. While these may not seem very different, they do possess different methods of being present in your space. The first requires you to look beyond the moment that is presented to you and see the moment that you create. The latter asks you to take things with a more guarded approach. Things are as they appear. Because I was once able to see in the former, and have now shifted towards the latter, I suppose it has to do with training, which presents both positives and negatives.

While this means that I can retrain myself to "see in frames" again, it is also means that it is possible for this training to deteriorate, and/or slip away from me once again. It's a tough battle to fight, as it takes a reassessment of one's perception of reality, so the thought that it can be gone--again--just like that is a bit disconcerting. But then again, it didn't seem to concern me much this past go-around.

So, from this moment, I've decided to pick up the camera again, and retrain my eyes to see in frames once more. I realize it'll take a bit of time--and I may never be as great as I'd like--but it's worth it.

For me.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yeah, you do have a problem. It's called discipline.

I don't remember there being as many kids on medicine when I was growing up. Boy have times changed. We have pills for everything. You gotta problem, they have a pill. There are pills to treat attention deficits, there are pills to treat growth deficiencies, there are pills to treat the effects of the pills that treat depression.

I propose a new pill: a pill that enhances one's desire to take responsibility for their own actions.

What this pill will do is it will block the neurons that cause a person to shirk their duties, making them more willing to perform the things they know they must do. It will also inhibit the growth of ideas that encourage blaming others. In addition to this, it will heal scars caused by bitterness and victimhood.

I suppose it must be noted that there are, as with all pills, side effects. It may cause: intense pain in the heart (as it brings about the realization that many of the problems in one's life stem from within, and not others); sweating (from the pressure to constantly do what is morally sound, even when things would be easier deflecting); and random bouts of crying (because the world is much more beautiful when you realize you have power to change it from within yourself). There may be more side effects, but the pill is still in its formative stages.

Hm. I don't think this will ever make it, though. Until then, I'll propose a simple campaign; a campaign aimed at each person taking responsibility for the actions that they themselves choose to commit. A campaign aimed at helping everyone understand that it's not the world, it's you.

And, I'll start with me.

Friday, February 18, 2011


I need an audience. More specifically, I need to figure out in which direction I am sending my voice. It's deep, so it doesn't carry well; therefore, I need not waste valuable energy trying to project to the universe. Instead, I need a corner. Corner's like bass anyways. They can be my friends. So, What I'll do is find a few corners who are willing to hold my vibrations long enough for them to make sense. Then, after all of the noise dissipates, they can tell me what they found underneath it all. The only problem is figuring out to which corners I want to speak--ever so softly--I suppose.

And now, I am 360. Or would it be -180? Eh, who really cares. I still need to figure out where this is all heading.