Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This is what thesis writing does to me at midnight (okay, anytime, really)...

I think we have it backwards. Plants don't need us; we need them.

I was writing my on my thesis and I began to think of what it means to make an existence. (I don't care, it's fun for me :-P.) I thought about how people rely on other people to "prove" or validate who they are. Society, and granted most education, has become so anthropocentric that we seem to have returned to the pre-Copernican days. Everything from animals to plants have been scripted to "depend" on humans for their existence. We see this in the films we watch (Battle: LA, anyone?) where things cry out for recognition from Man--either through war, "extinction," or some other catastrophe that only man can deactivate or cancel out--or those things that do not beg Man's mercy are doomed to destruction (that's right. Anything that resists our gaze is doomed to "non-existence.").

But, then it hit me: Man is not the center of the world!

This thought first came to mind when I was thinking about plants. Yes. Plants. Plants don't need us. They have existed for millennia without our help. How, one may ask? They live in a symbiotic harmony with the rest of their environment. Think Avatar, here (no, not the bald one; the blue ones). Things are connected to one another so that there really is no "individual" flower. Each is recognized in that it does not exist outside of the others--of course, until some yo-yo comes along and plucks one--and it only recognizes itself in relation to one another. One is constantly becoming the other as they (co)exist. Neither is ever singularly whole, but instead they are simultaneously completing one another.

Now, granted, I realize that it may sound like I am riding the fairy dust, or something, but I'm not. This all makes sense. There's an interconnectivity out there that we humans seem to want to fight against (we call this RACISM). And, yes, I acknowledge that there are those beings who eat and kill one another. But even this is part of the symbiotic inter-connected relationship in which they exist. It is predominantly humans who pervert this relationship with mindless, unnecessary killings.

So, instead of trying to make someone see you or acknowledge you, try to just exist with them. The world shouldn't be about recognition. It should be about a harmonic (co)existence because only then, will things start to make sense.

Now, back to that thesis.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post ! I think the reason we humans fight this interconnectedness is because we believe we are the labels we self-impose or those that are imposed on us: Black/White, American/Chinese, Catholic/Protestant, Engineer/Janitor, Jocks/Band Geeks and even Male/Female. We need to belong to a label so that others can validate our existence. This remind me of a quote by Byron Katie that I love... " If I had a prayer, it would be this: 'God, spare me from the desire for love, approval, or appreciation. Amen.' ” Keep on writing and good luck with that thesis !
